Friday, August 22, 2014

Game Jams

I joined GBJAM 3 and got 84th out of 248 submissions. Here's my scores in each of the judged areas:

I thought my graphics were awesome and the gameplay was boring and had been done before, but that's not what everyone else thought! I'm going to be working more on graphics and animations for a while to sharpen my skills. I'll be doing Ludum Dare 30 with a small team and I'll be able to get some great practice in. I'm also planning on taking my GBJAM game and turning it into a mobile game with better art and animation.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

First published game and new gamejam

I've published my first game Thug Busters! It's not much, but it's free! I wanted to learn Unity and publish to Android so I gave it a shot and it only took three weeks.

I'm also participating in an online game jam GBJAM. My idea is a game where you rotate the world around the player to get them to the end. Check me out on Twitter for more frequent updates!