Thursday, November 24, 2011

[DEMO] Side-scrolling Platformer

This was my first attempt at a side-scrolling platformer. It didn't work out so well. I originally made it to get away from tile based games, and to learn collision detection. To control the character use left and right, and press space to jump. Jumping looks funny because making the animation and having it work with gravity is pretty complex. I didn't do that so the character bolts upward and falls quickly.

The link:

What I learned:
  • Very basic collision detection (with the ground)
  • Scrolling camera that follows the player
  • Gravity for a side-scroller

Where I'm going from here:
Nowhere with side-scrollers for now. I'm just more interested in tile based games because they're more fun to make (I guess I enjoy them a bit more). In the future I will definitely try my hand at it again.

1 comment:

  1. I've also had issues implementing platformers using the SDL library.
